About Us
Our Story
Skyrock Consulting Service Inc. is a family business launched at City of Saskatoon by present owner Mary Chen in 2014. Without any aggressive marketing nor advertising efforts, Skyrock started from Mary being the only self-employed business to presently employing five full time employees. Currently, Skyrock services about 80 companies providing payroll, accounting, tax preparation and immigration consulting services. Many owners of these client companies are SINP Entrepreneur nominees. Over the course of past 6 years in business, Skyrock has evolved into a trusted brand name in SINP Entrepreneur friends and network circle helping clients to overcome complex business, immigration, language barrier and cultural challenges faced every day by SINP entrepreneur families looking to start their new life in Saskatchewan.
Over the past few years we have assisted 30 SINP entrepreneur families fulfill terms of their respective Business Performance Agreement and application to $75,000 Good Faith Deposit refund. As each individual case are different, we have accumulated an unique set of skills in assessing business feasibility, reviewing of financial statements, sourcing the appropriate professional service providers, and outreach to SINP officials request to modify BEP and BPA should their existing venture deemed no longer feasible.
Our company is now at 619 D1st Ave North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1X7